Workplace Negativity and it’s Effect on Morale

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All it takes is one…. One negative Nancy to bring us all down.  Sorry, Nancy, I mean no disrespect. Is it the Titanic or your workplace that’s sinking, talk about the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

The question is how do you handle this situation and are you working to fix the underlying issues or are you actively  part of the problem.  Many  leaders in business put their blinders on and only look one direction instead of looking at the issues and difficulties facing their employees which in turn impact the success of the business goals.

If I ignore the issue or focus soehwere else it will go away eventually, thats the hope, but this rarely ever happens,  Instead the issues continue to fester, your negative employee  infects others  in the workplace and the poison spreads and spreads.  This impacts morale, productivity and the trust your employees have placed in you to run a successful business.

Stay tuned for ways to address worplace negativity and deal with the poison that could be affecting your organization.

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